Her Foot Is Healed During a Healing Class
The Itinerant Diaries podcast is now available on Youtube here. You can also paste this RSS link into your favorite podcast app. (https://anchor.fm/s/b52bc450/podcast/rss)
A Simple Word
A Witchdoctor Meets Jesus
Hope Restored
Opportunities Abound
Itinerant Diaries 25 - Finally Home: Back in Texas
Her Foot Is Healed After Prayer
Roger Cunningham Interview
Our Intro to Vineyard
Itinerant Diaries 24 - Summer Breezing in Ohio, Michigan & Illinois
Adventuring With God: An Interview with Tim Mengler
Testimony from John Richter, Oxford Vineyard Church
Testimony from Sarah Anderson, Finneytown Vineyard Church
Testimony from Michael Hansen, Delaware County Vineyard
The Gift IS the Holy Spirit
Itinerant Diaries 23 - Summer in Ohio
Living By Faith, An Interview with Don Freeman